Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Modern capabilities of quadcopters

These devices are very maneuverable and, depending on the tasks for which they are designed, have different sizes (most often small). They can work both outdoors and in hard-to-reach places: tunnels, pipes. Devices easily rise to great heights, function in places with abnormally low or high temperatures. They are excellent assistants for military purposes, as well as for engineers, rescuers, photographers, and travelers.

MikroKopter and the first quadcopter

MikroKopter is a well-known company from Germany that has become famous in the field of creating radio-controlled drones. 2006 is the date when this company invented a quadcopter in the version we know.

The first device had the following characteristics:

Atmega644 chipset and 4KB memory;

processor frequency 20 MHz;

the accuracy of the barometer is about 1 meter.

The device was equipped with 3 gyroscopes, a barometer and an accelerometer. A little later, a GPS module was added to it. The first multicopter from the German company became the basis of all such devices for pros and amateurs (for example, the DJI Mavic Air Onyx Black).